Airline Pilot Training while Working

For those who are bored with corporate life and dream of following their passion for

Becoming a Pilot While Studying at University

Even though we are constantly having to make new choices for different motivations in both

What Checks Are Performed Before a Solo Flight?

Have you ever wondered what checks are carried out on the airplane before a solo

A Tradition in Aviation, Soaking After the First Solo Flight

The most cherished memory of every amateur and professional pilot is undoubtedly the moment when

Cessna 172 Technical Specifications

Manufactured in 1955 as the Cessna 170C model, but certified as the Cessna 172 after

Cessna’s Success Story

Cessna was founded in 1927 by Clyde Cessna in Wichita, Kansas. The company first produced

How to Become a Pilot?

How to Become a Pilot? With the rapid development of technology, the increase in the

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