This article has been prepared to provide information about SHT-1LC (Instructions for the Translation of Pilot Licenses and Authorizations Issued by Foreign Countries), which provides information on the procedures and principles required for pilots licensed in EASA and FAA countries to have their licenses considered valid in Turkey.
This is very important. 14. Enforcement clause. The Instruction comes into force as of 31.12.2021. For those who receive integrated training, this period has been extended until 30.06.2022. We can interpret this article as a move by DGCA to protect those who have started the current training in order not to victimize anyone.
The scope of the legislation is stated as all foreign countries. So it covers all licenses issued outside Turkey. It does not distinguish between the USA, Hungary or Poland.
When Translating PPL Licenses
EASA mentioned 6 requirements when translating the PPL License to DGCA. While items b, ç and d are standard items, the other 3 items are for those who want to convert their EASA PPL to SHGM PPL;
Retake the 010 and 040 exams in Turkey
Completing the total PIC hours including 10 hours of PIC in PPL to 100 hours
He has to take a checkride (Skilltest / Checkride) again.
Night Authority
5 of Article 11. The sub-article clearly states that the night flight training (NVFR) authorization will not be revoked.
CPL-IR Flight Training
EASA PPL holders who will also convert IR to CPL will not be able to receive these trainings at EASA as soon as this legislation comes into force. 7 and 8 of the relevant legislation describing the CPL-IR cycle. Sub-paragraphs ç and onwards explain that even if you have received training, you must retake the theoretical exams and retake the training in Turkey. Therefore, there is no point in getting these trainings from there.
Issues to be Considered When Reading Legislation
As soon as the legislation was published, problems arose in terms of interpretation by people who were not familiar with the language of the legislation and information pollution occurred. If you read the legislation by paying attention to the following points, you will eliminate many of your question marks.
The ATO and the “ATO authorized by the Directorate General” mentioned in the legislation are different things. The term “ATO authorized by the Directorate General” does not include ATOs that are not personally inspected and authorized by DGCA. I mean EASA countries.
SHT-FCL and Part-FCL are different things. SHTs are issued by DGCA and Parts are issued by EASA. Although very similar in content, they are legally different.
All trainings in the world are given according to ICAO Annex-1 standards. EASA is also involved. However, each country or authority can create its own curricula, without bending the ICAO Annex 1 standards. Documents such as Part-FCL, SHT-FCL are curricula prepared according to ICAO Annex-1 standards. For example, if there is an article in ICAO Annex-1 standards to be 17 years old for PPL, countries and authorities can make it 19 but not 16.
You can ask your questions via our instagram address For legislation, you can use this link.
Your flights are scheduled according to your availability in accordance with the education calendar.2. FOR CABIN CREW SPECIAL ATPL PROGRAM
Your flights are scheduled according to your availability in accordance with your working hours.3. Special for Employees ATPL Program
Your flights are scheduled according to your availability in accordance with your working hours./northfly
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